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Scene Context

Scene Context allows easy access to app managers and scene elements. All the logic to modify, edit, display, create spritesheet or lora for vrms rest within these managers, and using Scene Context is an easy way to fetch all the logic:


  • characterManager This is is the most important manager, with it, you can load manifests and add or remove traits, download current selection etc. All the options can be found within CharacterManager class docs.

  • animationManager lookAtManager Born from characterManager this classes allows to set wether the character follows the mouse, and apply animations to current loaded character.

  • loraDataGenerator allows access to functions to create lora data with existing loraManifests.

  • spriteAtlasGenerator allows access to functions to create sprites, spritesheets and gifs with a given manifest or directly providing the required parameters for the functions.

Scene Functions

  • sceneElements all elements that are not part of the current selected character. Cane be displayed or hidden with showEnvironmentModels(display) function

  • scene scene containing sceneElements and current character from characterManager

  • camera camera that renders the main scene.

  • controls camera controls, you can get this to enable or disable.


  • manifest character manifest that has all manifests locations for the character selection.

  • debugMode mode that allows to see on wireframe and with a dark background, can be toggled with toggleDebugMode(isDebug) function.

  • moveCamera(value) moves the camera to target position (value) with a smooth movement.