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View Context

Allows navigation within the app and current active page. Viewmode just defines which page is currently active:

  • Landing: Iinitial Landing page with menu selection.

  • Create: Character selection page.

  • Claim: Type of batch downlaod selection page.

  • Load: Load created character selection page.

  • Appearance: Character dress up and customization page.

  • Batch Download: Page to download with NFT json traits.

  • Batch Manifest: Page to download with manifest.

  • Bio: Character Bio description page.

  • Chat: Chat with created character page.

  • Optimizer: Optimize existing VRM page.

  • Wallet: Menu after connecting wallet Page.


  • setViewMode: set the current view mode, access it with variable viewMode

  • setIsLoading: toggle loading validation, access it with variable isLoading

  • setMouseIsOverUI: function to know if the user has the mouse inside ui, access it with variable mouseIsOverUI

  • setCurrentCameraMode: (wip) set camera type (Normal, AR, AR_Front, VR), access it with variable currentCameraMode