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The BioPage can be a part of a character creation process. It allows users to customize their character's biography, including their name, voice, favorite color, greeting, and a description that can be used to define it's AI personality

BioPage Component

The BioPage component is a functional component that uses several hooks to manage its state and side effects. It uses the useContext hook to access the necessary contexts, the useState hook to manage the character's full biography, and the useEffect hook to update the local storage whenever the biography changes.

Helper Functions

There are several helper functions defined in the file:

  • getBio: This function generates a character's biography based on the base character data and personality.
  • getPersonalityQuestionsAndAnswers, getHobbyQuestionsAndAnswers, getRelationshipQuestionsAndAnswers: These functions generate a random question and answer pair from the provided personality data.

Utils Functions

  • back goes back to the previous page.

  • next goes forward to the next page.