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(WIP) For the connect wallet button to appear, you need to setup an open sea api key in the .env, the variable must be called with the name VITE_OPENSEA_KEY. Once a key is placed, you can access this menu, in the main window. it will request you to connect your wallet.


Wallet component allows you to load nft data from owned nft assets from the connected wallet, or can be used to know if a user has an nft from a collection to unlock more options.


This component allows the user to fecth nft data from the user wallet, if the user possess an nft from a collection we may display additional options or to load the specific character given the nft traits in his collection.

Wallet access

  • fetchWalletNFTS: Called when user enters this page, it grabs all the nft's from a give collection from the user.

  • selectClass: If user possess 1 or more nft's from the collection, the user may select which one to display.

  • appendManifest User may combine 2 or more owned nfts into a single manifest with this function.

Utils functions

  • back: Go back to menu selection page.