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The Landing component page is the initial page. It provides the user with options to create, optimize, load a character or connect wallet. Each option is represented by a button.

Function Definitions

The Landing function is the main component function. It uses the useContext hook to access the methods and values from the imported contexts. Three helper functions (createCharacter, optimizeCharacter, loadCharacter) are defined to handle button clicks. Each function sets a different view mode and plays a sound if the application is not muted.


  • createCharacter: Go to character selection class in Create component page, for the user to start editing a character.

  • createVRMCharacter: Moves to Claim component page, which allows the user to do batch download processes with different menus.

  • optimizeCharacter: Moves to Optimizer component page, which allows the user to optimize an existing VRM file.

  • getWallet: Request the user to connect his wallet and go to Wallet component Page.

  • loadCharacter: Loads an existing created character from create character option, and moves to Create component Page.