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Character Manager

Character Manager is the main manager for the character studio, it provides functions to load manifests and traits within your three.js application


CharacterManager( parameters : Object )

  • parameters

(optional) an object with one or more properties defining the initial setup nfor the characterManager instance.

parentModel : The target Three js Object3D that.

renderCamera : Required if want to be able to allow manual face culling, so user can click to hide or show hidden faces with mouse click.

manifestURL : Optional initial manifest to be loaded with the character manager.


  • .rootModel : Object3D

root model that will hold all the character related elements and additional data that is not required to download with the character

  • .characterModel : Object3D

Models specifically used for the character model, additional decoration or environment elements are not included in this object

  • .parentModel : Object3D

Parent model that can be provided by the user were the root model will be loaded. Parent model may include additional decoration elements.

  • .lipSync : LipSync

A lip sync manager to allow an easy way to play audio into the character.

  • .lookAtManager : LookAtManager

A look at manager to allow character follow mouse position in the screen.

  • .animationManager : AnimationManager

Animation manager to load and play different animations, it coordinates and plays the animation for all loaded traits.

  • .screenshotManager : ScreenshotManager

A screenshot manager to take pictures of the character in different angles.

  • .blinkManager : BlinkManager

A blink manager to coordinate blink animation in all loaded traits

  • .renderCamera : Camera

Render camera used in the three js scene where user sees the character. Its only needed if you want to allow the user to allow manual face culling.

  • .manifestData : CharacterManifestData

The character manifest data Class object that allows to fetch screenshots, urls, layers textures etc. from the loaded manifest.json. Its a class that has the final processed data in an easier way to read for the characterManager.

  • .avatar : Object

Different from characterModel, this object holds information of the loaded character, such as loaded trait names, trait IDs and models.

  • .traitLoadManager : TraitLoadingManager

Custom Loader class to load one or multiple traits into the current character

  • .vrmHelperRoot : Group

VRM helper root object to help with debugging colliders and spring bones (wip)



Must be called within you update function in three js to update LookAt Manager.

addLookAtMouse(screenPrecentage, canvasID, camera, enable = true)

Adds a LookAtManager for mouse interaction.

  • screenPrecentage: Percentage of the screen area to consider for mouse interaction.
  • canvasID: The ID of the canvas element.
  • camera: The camera used in the scene.
  • enable: Optional parameter to enable/disable the mouse interaction (default is true).


Toggles character lookAt mouse interaction.

  • enable: Boolean value to enable/disable character lookAt mouse interaction.

savePortraitScreenshot(name, width, height, distance = 1, headHeightOffset = 0)

Saves a portrait screenshot.

  • name: The name of the screenshot.
  • width: The width of the screenshot.
  • height: The height of the screenshot.
  • distance: Optional parameter for camera distance (default is 1).
  • headHeightOffset: Optional parameter for head height offset (default is 0).

cameraRaycastCulling(mouseX, mouseY, removeFace = true)

Performs camera raycast culling.

  • mouseX: X-coordinate of the mouse.
  • mouseY: Y-coordinate of the mouse.
  • removeFace: Optional parameter to remove faces (default is true).


Removes the current character.


Removes the current manifest, character, and associated animations.


Checks if downloading is supported based on manifest data.

downloadVRM(name, exportOptions = null)

Downloads the VRM file.

  • name: The name of the VRM file.
  • exportOptions: Additional export options (optional).

downloadGLB(name, exportOptions = null)

Downloads the GLB file.

  • name: The name of the GLB file.
  • exportOptions: Additional export options (optional).


Gets information about the avatar selection.


Gets traits associated with the group from the manifest data.


Gets the current character model.


Checks if a trait group is marked as required in the manifest data.

  • groupTraitID: The ID of the trait group.


Gets traits for a specific group from the manifest data.

  • groupTraitID: The ID of the trait group.


Gets the ID of the current trait for a specific group.

  • groupTraitID: The ID of the trait group.


Gets data for the current trait of a specific group.

  • groupTraitID: The ID of the trait group.


Gets the VRM model for the current trait of a specific group.

  • groupTraitID: The ID of the trait group.


Sets the parent model for the character manager.

  • model: The parent model to be set.


Sets the render camera for the character manager.

  • camera: The camera to be set.


Loads random traits based on manifest data.


Loads a random trait for a specific group based on manifest data.

  • groupTraitID: The ID of the trait group.

loadTraitsFromNFT(url, fullAvatarReplace = true, ignoreGroupTraits = null)*

Loads traits from an NFT using the specified URL.

  • url: The URL of the NFT.
  • fullAvatarReplace: Flag indicating whether to fully replace existing traits (default is true).
  • ignoreGroupTraits: Optional array of trait groups to ignore.

loadTraitsFromNFTObject(NFTObject, fullAvatarReplace = true, ignoreGroupTraits = null)

Loads traits from an NFT object metadata into the avatar.

  • NFTObject: The NFT object containing traits information.
  • fullAvatarReplace: Indicates whether to replace all avatar traits (default is true).
  • ignoreGroupTraits: Optional array of trait groups to ignore.


Loads initial traits based on manifest data.


Loads all traits based on manifest data.

loadTrait(groupTraitID, traitID)

Loads a specific trait based on group and trait IDs.

  • groupTraitID: The ID of the trait group.
  • traitID: The ID of the specific trait.

loadCustomTrait(groupTraitID, url)

Loads a custom trait based on group and URL.

  • groupTraitID: The ID of the trait group.
  • url: The URL associated with the custom trait.

loadCustomTexture(groupTraitID, url)

Loads a custom texture to the specified group trait's model.

  • groupTraitID: The ID of the group trait.
  • url: The URL of the custom texture.

setTraitColor(groupTraitID, hexColor)

Sets the color of a specified group trait's model.

  • groupTraitID: The ID of the group trait.
  • hexColor: The hexadecimal color value to set for the group trait's model.

removeTrait(groupTraitID, forceRemove = false)

Removes a trait from the character.

  • groupTraitID: The ID of the trait group.
  • forceRemove: Optional parameter to force removal (default is false).


Updates the culling of hidden meshes.


Loads an optimizer manifest for the character.


Gets the current VRM model for the optimizer character.


Loads an optimized character based on a custom trait URL.

  • url: The URL associated with the custom trait.


Sets an existing manifest data for the character.

  • manifest: The loaded manifest object.

appendManifest(manifest, replaceExisting)

Appends manifest data to the current manifest.

  • manifest: The manifest to append.
  • replaceExisting: Boolean value indicating whether to replace existing manifest data.


Loads the manifest data for the character.

  • url: The URL of the manifest.

loadAppendManifest(url, replaceExisting)*

Loads manifest data and appends it to the current manifest.

  • url: The URL of the manifest.
  • replaceExisting: Boolean value indicating whether to replace existing manifest data.