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LookAt Manager

LookAtManager is a class that manages the orientation of joints or bones in a Three.js scene, typically used for eyes and neck of a character, following the mouse movement within a defined hotzone.


LookAtManager(screenViewPercentage, canvasID, camera)

  • screenViewPercentage: Percentage of the screen width to consider for the hotzone.
  • canvasID: The ID of the canvas element.
  • camera: The Three.js camera.


Properties for ScreenshotManager are not meant to be edited directly they are modified with methods.

  • .bonesInfo: Array

    An array containing information about the bones being managed.

  • .curMousePos: Vector2

    Current mouse position.

  • .hotzoneSection: Object

    Object defining the hotzone section on the screen.

  • .enabled: Boolean

    Flag indicating whether the look-at feature is enabled.

  • .userActivated: Boolean

    Flag indicating whether the user has activated the look-at feature.

  • .lookInterest: Number

    The level of interest in looking at the target.

  • .hasInterest: Boolean

    Flag indicating whether there is an interest in looking at the target.

  • .interestSpeed: Number

    Speed of the interest adjustment.

  • .onCanvas: Boolean

    Flag indicating whether the mouse is on the canvas.

  • .camera: Camera

    The Three.js camera.

  • .maxLookPercent: Object

    Maximum percentage limits for different bones' look.

  • .windowEventListeners: Array

    Array to store references to window event listeners.



Sets the activation state of the look-at feature.

  • active: Boolean value to set the activation state.


Sets the camera for the look-at manager.

  • camera: The new Three.js camera.


Adds a VRM (Virtual Reality Model) to the look-at manager.

  • vrm: The VRM instance to be added.


Removes a VRM from the look-at manager.

  • vrm: The VRM instance to be removed.

lerp(a, b, t)

Performs linear interpolation between two values.

  • a: Initial value.
  • b: Target value.
  • t: Interpolation factor.


Updates the look-at manager based on mouse movement and other settings. It adjusts the orientation of bones within the hotzone.


Calculates and returns the hotzone section based on the screen width percentage.