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Blink Manager

BlinkManager is a class responsible for managing blinking animations for VRM models in a Three.js scene.


BlinkManager(closeTime = 0.5, openTime = 0.5, continuity = 1, randomness = 5)

  • closeTime: The time taken for the eyes to close in seconds (default is 0.5 seconds).
  • openTime: The time taken for the eyes to open in seconds (default is 0.5 seconds).
  • continuity: The time duration between blinks in seconds (default is 1 second).
  • randomness: The randomness factor affecting blink occurrences (default is 5).


Properties for BlinkManager are not meant to be edited directly they are modified with methods.

  • .vrmBlinkers: Array

    An array containing VRM instances to be managed for blinking.

  • mode: String

    The current mode of the blinker ('ready', 'closing', or 'open').

  • clock: Clock

    A Three.js clock used for timing in the blink manager.

  • closeTime: Number**

    The time taken for the eyes to close in seconds.

  • openTime: Number

    The time taken for the eyes to open in seconds.

  • continuity: Number

    The time duration between blinks in seconds.

  • randomness: Number

    The randomness factor affecting blink occurrences.

  • _eyeOpen: Number

    A value indicating the openness of the eyes, ranging from 0 (closed) to 1 (open).

  • _blinkCounter: Number

    A counter tracking the time since the last blink.

  • isTakingScreenShot: Boolean

    A flag indicating whether the blinker is currently taking a screenshot.



Adds a VRM (Virtual Reality Model) instance to the blink manager.

  • vrm: The VRM instance to be added.


Removes a VRM instance from the blink manager.

  • vrm: The VRM instance to be removed.


Enables the screenshot mode, setting the eye openness to a threshold value and updating blinkers.


Disables the screenshot mode.


Periodically updates the blink manager based on the specified timings and modes. Manages the opening and closing of eyes, as well as the readiness for the next blink.