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Animation Manager

Manages animations for a character, including loading, playing, and controlling animations.


AnimationManager( )


Properties are not meant to be edited directly they are modified with methods.

  • animationPaths
  • lastAnimID
  • mainControl
  • animationControl
  • animations
  • paused
  • scale
  • curLoadAnim
  • currentAnimationName
  • weightIn
  • weightOut
  • lastAnimID
  • curAnimID
  • animationControls
  • started
  • mouseLookEnabled
  • mixamoModel
  • mixamoAnimations
  • currentClip


enableMouseLook(enable: boolean)

Enables or disables mouse look for all animation controls.

  • enable: boolean - True to enable, false to disable mouse look.

setScale(scale: number)

Sets the scale for animations.

  • scale: number - The scale factor for animations.

async loadAnimation(paths: string|string[], isPose: boolean, poseTime: number = 0, isfbx: boolean = true, pathBase: string = "", name: string = "")

Loads an animation for the character.

  • paths: string|string[] - The path or paths of the animation files.
  • isPose: boolean - True if the animation is a pose, false otherwise.
  • poseTime: number - The time for a pose animation (default is 0).
  • isfbx: boolean - True if the animation is in FBX format, false for GLTF (default is true).
  • pathBase: string - The base path for animation files (default is an empty string).
  • name: string - The name of the animation (default is an empty string).

getCurrentClip(): THREE.AnimationClip|null

Gets the current animation clip.

getCurrentAnimationName(): string

Gets the name of the current animation.


Clears the currently loaded animations and controls.

storeAnimationPaths(pathArray: string|string[], pathBase: string)

Stores animation paths for future loading.


Loads the next animation in the animation paths.


Loads the previous animation in the animation paths.


Enables screenshot mode for all animation controls.


Disables screenshot mode for all animation controls.

addVRM(vrm: VRM)

Adds a VRM model to the animation manager.

  • vrm: VRM - The VRM model to add.

removeVRM(vrmToRemove: VRM)

Removes a VRM model from the animation manager.

  • vrmToRemove: VRM - The VRM model to remove.

getFromActionTime(): number

Gets the "from" action time.

getToActionTime(): number

Gets the "to" action time.

getWeightIn(): number

Gets the weight in value.

getWeightOut(): number

Gets the weight out value.

disposeAnimation(targetAnimControl: AnimationControl)

Disposes of a specific animation control.

  • targetAnimControl: AnimationControl - The animation control to dispose.


Disposes of all animation controls.

animRandomizer(yieldTime: number)

Randomizes animations at intervals.

  • yieldTime: number - The interval time for randomization.


Pauses the animation manager.


Resumes the animation manager.

isPaused(): boolean

Checks if the animation manager is paused.

setTime(time: number)

Sets the current time for all animation controls.

  • time: number - The time to set.

setSpeed(speed: number)

Sets the playback speed for all animation controls.

  • speed: number - The speed to set.